Height: 300cmDiameter: 290cmLamp Type: E14Wattage (max): 40WWeight: 135kgNo. of Lights: 70
Height: 300cm Diameter: 260cm Weight: 120kg No. of Lights: 70
22 Light66 LightHeight190cm300cmDiameter115cm180cmWeight58kg120kgLamp TypeE27E27Wattage60W60W
Finish: 24 Carat GoldIP Rating: IP20Height: 110cmDiameter: 94cmLamp Type: E14Wattage (max): 40WWeight: 24kgNo. of Lights: 18Min Height: 135cmMax Height: 165cm
18 LightHeight150cmDiameter110cmWeight26kgLamp TypeE14Wattage40W
20 LightHeight160cmDiameter116cmWeight47kgLamp TypeE14, E27Wattage40W, 60W
26 LightHeight270cmDiameter120cmWeight60kgLamp TypeE14, E27Wattage40W, 60W
19 LightHeight130cmDiameter100cmWeight35kgLamp TypeE14, E27Wattage40W, 60W
35 Light65 LightHeight: 210cm 250cmDiameter: 140cm 170cmWeight: 80kg 120kg
24 Light32 LightLength: 150cm 200cmWidth: 85cm 110cmHeight: 68cm 65cmWeight: 43kg 60kg
Finish: 24 Carat GoldIP Rating: IP20Height: 100cmDiameter: 76cmLamp Type: E14+E27Wattage (max): 40W+60WNo. of Lights: 16Min Height: 110cmMax Height: 130cm
24 Light36 LightHeight: 120cm 160cmDiameter: 120cm 165cmWeight: 57kg 90kg
20 LightHeight160cmDiameter90cmWeight48kgLamp TypeE27Wattage60W
18 Light40 Light56 LightHeight: 130cm 120cm 120cmDiameter: 125cm 170cm 215cmWeight: 30kg 60kg 120kg
12 Light20 LightHeight100cm150cmDiameter60cm120cmWeight37kg58kgLamp TypeE14E14Wattage40W40W
Diameter: 85 cm Height: 76 cm / 99 - 144 cm Lighting: 8 x E14 / 60 W Compatible bulbs for energy saving Finish: 24k French gold plated SPECTRA crystal Option for organza or pongé shade Handcrafted in the European Union
Diameter: 85 cm Height: 76 cm / 99 - 144 cm Lighting: 8 x E14 / 60 W Compatible bulbs for energy saving Finish: 24k gold plated SPECTRA crystal Option for organza or pongé shade Handcrafted in the European Union
Diameter: 85 cm Height: 76 cm / 99 - 144 cm Lighting: 8 x E14 / 60 W Compatible bulbs for energy saving Finish: chrome plated SPECTRA crystal Option for organza or pongé shade Handcrafted in the European Union
Diameter: 85 cm Height: 76 cm / 99 - 144 cm Lighting: 8 x E14 / 60 W Compatible bulbs for energy saving Finish: antique brass SPECTRA crystal Option for organza or pongé shade Handcrafted in the European Union
Width Height Lamp Type9 Light 90cm 95cm E14 x 40W (max)12 Light 120cm 105cm E14 x 40W (max)24 Light 150cm 180cm E14 x 40W (max)
Exclusive Luxury designer crystal chandeliers for contemporary interiors At Lighting Deluxe we are specialists in supplying luxury chandeliers of character from leading European manufacturers. Kolarz, Lucecrea, Meta Lux, Orion and Voltolina. These interior design essentials feature hand-blown Venetian glass, Swarovski crystal, Murano glass, porcelain and unique designs. All our stylish interior décor chandelier lighting is made in Europe and comes with our “satisfied or refunded” guarantee.