16 LightHeight88cmDiameter86cmWeight45kgLamp TypeE27Wattage60W
Base: 17 x G9 / 220V / MAX. 40W Colours: ChromeOther Colours on requestLight source not included
Base: 17 x E14 / 220V / MAX. 40W Colours: Brilliant Brass-Satin Brass-Chrome-Bronze-Black Matt-Black Glossy-White Glossy-White Matt-Matt NickelShade: White-Cream-Black-Brown-RedLight source not included
Base: 12 x E14 / 220V / MAX. 40WChain ca. 1,5 mtr. Swarovski Strass Colours: Brilliant Brass-Satin Brass-Chrome-Bronze-Black Matt-Black Glossy-White Glossy-White Matt-Matt NickelShade: White-Cream-Black-Brown-RedLight source not included
Base: 20 x G4 / 12V / MAX. 10W (not included)Downlight: 9 x LED 3.2W / 2700K (included)with separate on-off switchWhite handmade glass ballsColours: Brilliant Brass-Satin Brass-Chrome-Bronze-Black Matt-Black Glossy-White Glossy-White Matt-Matt Nickel00 middle base will be sprayed in Satin Brass - 05 middle base will be sprayed in bronze color
Base: 16 x GU10 / 220V / MAX. 50W MIX, Spectra Crystal Tubes 6x20 cm 6x30 cm 4x40 cm Colours: Brilliant Brass-Satin Brass-Chrome-Bronze-Black Matt-Black Glossy-White Glossy-White Matt-Matt Nickel Light source not included
Base: 20 x G9 / 220V / MAX. 40W500 cm, CrystalColours: Brilliant Brass-Satin Brass-Chrome-Bronze-Matt NickelLight source not included
Base: 20 x G4 / 12V / MAX. 10WWhite handmade glass ballsColours: Brilliant Brass-Satin Brass-Chrome-Bronze-Black Matt-Black Glossy-White Glossy-White Matt-Matt NickelLight source not included
Base: 22 x G4 / 12V / MAX. 10W (not included)Downlight: 3 x LED 3.2W / 2700K (included)with separate on-off switchWhite handmade glass ballsColours: Brilliant Brass-Satin Brass-Chrome-Bronze-Black Matt-Black Glossy-White Glossy-Matt Nickel00 middle base will be sprayed in Satin Brass - 05 middle base will be sprayed in bronze color
Flat ModelBase: 18 x E14 / 220V / MAX. 25W Base: downlight: 1 x GU10 / 220V / MAX. 50WColours: Chrome-Black Matt-Black Glossy-White Glossy-White Matt-Matt Nickel For colour 02, curved side arms are always painted platinumShade: White-Cream-Black-Brown-RedLight source not included
Length Height Width Lamp Type133cm 48cm 50cm 20 x E14 x 40W
Base: 29 x G9 / 220V / MAX. 40W Colours: ChromeOther Colours on requestLight source not included
Glass: 35 CMBase: 12 x GU10 / 220V / MAX. 50WColours: Brilliant Brass-Satin Brass-Chrome-Bronze-Black Matt-Black Glossy-White Glossy-White Matt-Matt NickelLight source not included
Base: 24 x G9 / 220V / MAX. 40W Colours: ChromeOther Colours on requestLight source not included
Base: 14 x E14 / 220V / MAX. 40W Colours: Brilliant Brass-Satin Brass-Chrome-Bronze-Black Matt-Black Glossy-White Glossy-White Matt-Matt NickelShade: White-Cream-Black-Brown-RedLight source not included
28 Light34 LightHeight40cm40cmWidth40cm40cmLength120cm160cmWeight48kg58kgLamp TypeE27E27Wattage60W60W
Base: 18 x G9 / 220V / MAX. 40W450 cm, CrystalColours: Brilliant Brass-Satin Brass-Chrome-Bronze-Matt NickelLight source not included
Base: 14 x G9 / 220V / MAX. 40WColours: Brilliant Brass-Satin Brass-Chrome-Bronze-Black Matt-Black Glossy-Matt NickelLight source not included
Base: 16 x G9 / 12V / MAX. 20WWhite handmade glass ballsColours: Brilliant Brass-Satin Brass-Chrome-Bronze-Black Matt-Black Glossy-White Glossy-White Matt-Matt NickelLight source not included
Glass: 35 CMBase: 16 x GU10 / 220V / MAX. 50WColours: Brilliant Brass-Satin Brass-Chrome-Bronze-Black Matt-Black Glossy-White Glossy-White Matt-Matt NickelLight source not included
Luxury Pendant Lighting for Contemporary Interiors At Lighting Deluxe we are specialists in supplying luxury pendant lighting of character from leading European manufacturers. Kolarz, Gea Luce, Leucos, Lucecrea, Meta Lux, Orion and Voltolina. These interior design essentials feature hand blown Venetian glass, Swarovski crystal, Murano glass, porcelain and unique designs. All our stylish interior décor pendant lighting is made in Europe and comes with our “satisfied or refunded” guarantee.